Attitude of TTI Rangjung trainees towards TVET in Bhutan
career, job seeker, TVET, trainee.Abstract
Anchored on qualitative research paradigm using online interview method involving15 sampled trainees via emails, this study attempted to find out what beliefs and feelings respondents had for TVET before joining TTI- Rangjung, how do they feel now as their training goes on and what do they aspire to be after graduating from here.TVET is not considered as mainstream career choice by young people, job seekers and society at large. Despite thestigma and belief that TVET leads to second class profession, this study found that both children and parents’ attitude towards TVET has changed from negative to positive.This study also found that TVET indeed provides skills and enhances their employability. Trainees are happy in the institute and they have gained confidence for self-employment and developed great aspiration to go abroad for work. This should only contribute lifting the image of TVET. “TVET is poor man’s college”!This is an interesting finding.I define it as, “let rich go to other universities, poor are not deprived of a college”. There is TVET (TTIs) as their university which is equally important. Equipping the institute with enough latest tools and equipment should be an immediate important task for both the institute and theMoLHR. Capacity building of trainers is another finding that calls for consistent support.Conducting more advocacy programs will make society better aware of the importance of TVET. Introducing higher level courses will also improve quality, speed and relevance of TVET.The minimum entry qualification should also be raised to class XII from class XDownloads
How to Cite
Attitude of TTI Rangjung trainees towards TVET in Bhutan. (2022). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer, 2(6), 18-30.