Bibliometric Analysis of Contribution of South Asian Countries in Research Conducted on COVID-19


  • Naheed Koser Author


COVID-19, South Asian Countries, Pandemic, Bibliometric, SCOPUS database


Researchers worldwide are striving hard to find a solution for the corona viruspandemic and reduce the fatalities from this severe outbreak. The purpose of thisresearch paper is to evaluate and visualize the published documents about coronavirus research, based on extracted data from SCOPUS database. The study was conducted by using bibliometric method. Data was collected using SCOPUS database from December, 2019 to January, 2022. The main objectives of the study were to know the status of Bibliometric Analysis of Contribution of South Asian Countries in Research on COVID-19. The main method to obtain the result of the present investigations were using SCOPUS database from December, 2019 to January, 2022. A systematic review of literature was performed using the Scopus database. The search terms (covid OR "COVID 19" OR covid-19 OR covid19 OR "2019 nCoV" OR 2019-ncov OR "SARS Coronavirus 2" OR sars-cov-2 OR 2019 novel AND coronavirus) were used and searched for in the title field.The main findings of the study were the number of publications on covid 19 rapidly increases from 2018 to 2021. In 2018 the number was only 1 whereas in in 2021 it increases up to 15185. India topped the list among south asian countries in bibliometric research on covid-19. The most number of articles/research papers were published in English language 22897 followed by Spanish only 27 research papers. As far as top co authorship of authors is concerned Wiwanitkit, V. topped the list among all authors with 6610 citations







How to Cite

Bibliometric Analysis of Contribution of South Asian Countries in Research Conducted on COVID-19. (2022). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer, 2(11), 25-38.